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Funding Opportunity for US, Brazil, China, and South Africa (BoCP)
The BoCP program is a cross directorate and international program led by NSF that invites submission of interdisciplinary proposals addressing grand challenges in biodiversity science within the context of unprecedented environmental change, including climate change. Successful BoCP proposals will test novel hypotheses about functional biodiversity and its connections to shifting biodiversity dynamics on a changing planet, with an emphasis on integrative research into the complex intersections among climatic, geological, paleontological, and biological processes. Integrative research is likely to combine multiple perspectives–including organismal, species, ecological, evolutionary, phylogenetic, geological, and/or paleontological approaches– at various scales. Proposals that seek to improve predictive capability about functional biodiversity across temporal and spatial scales by considering the linkages between past, present, and future biological, climatic, and geological processes are also encouraged.
For details: https://beta.nsf.gov/funding/opportunities/biodiversity-changing-planet-bocp
Please reply to this thread if you have any interests/ideas/questions/suggestions.
Deadline for the proposal is March 29th, 2023.
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