Global AI-Augmented Biodiversity Database (GAIA)
Public Research Project
active a year ago
Array Research Project
Many thanks to those who have participated in our recent Biodiversity Database Workshop!
We are now seeking your contribution to create the world’s largest biodiversity database. The current champion is GBIF.org, but we are not far behind it. With your help, I am confident that we can grab this title.
In the coming weeks, one of our FACAI members may contact you to better understand your data and other potential data that we can use. Please do reach out if you or anyone you know can contribute to this database (you don’t have to do anything if your data is in the GFBI database).
For a brief introduction of our overall objective and a roadmap to achieve it, please refer to the attached pdf document. Here are some highlights:
• What data do we need?
o We welcome data on the biosphere of any type, nature, and amount, with the only exception that we don’t accept human-subject data
o We welcome published and unpublished data
o We also welcome curated data (i.e. data compiled from other sources)
• Why contribute to this database?
o Gain maximum exposure of your dataset
o Co-author in publishing this Database in a top journal
o Co-author in future papers that will use your data
o Become part of the World’s Largest Biodiversity Database
• What about Proprietary Data, or datasets that are too large to transfer?
o You will retain your data, and we only publish geo-referenced metadata
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