Prof. ADOU Yao Constant Yves holds a PhD in Tropical Botany and Ethnobiology from the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris, France). He is a Full Professor at the University Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Ivory Coast since 2016, where he also carries out his research activities in the lab of Natural Environment et Biodiversity Conservation. His current research activities focus on biodiversity conservation, sustainable cocoa farming practices and their impacts on plant diversity and diversification of farmers’ income sources. He has a long experience in Ivorian forests of more than 20 years and in the forests of neighboring countries. Prof. ADOU Yao, who has already coordinated 6 research projects. He is the lead of BioValSE Team. He is the author of about 50 scientific papers, oral communications and posters and 4 books and 6 book chapters. Prof. ADOU Yao is one of the co-founders of the NGOs SOS-Forêts and ACB-CI and is the local representative of the international NGO Conservation Alliance West Africa.
Contact: adouyaocy at