the International Conference “Research and Practice in Forest Ecology”, organized by the Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences, in Kórnik, Poland, on 8-12 May 2024.
We invite presentations dealing with broad aspects of forest ecology, such as:
- biology of trees and associated organisms,
- forest genetics,
- tree breeding, physiology and biotechnology,
- seed biology and technology,
- invasive organisms,
- forest dynamics,
- climate change impacts on forest ecosystems,
- forestry and forest management.
The conference is aimed at young researchers, defined as students, doctoral students, and people who have had their doctorate for less than 7 years (included).
To participate, it is needed to complete the registration form (https://www.idpan.poznan.pl/index.php/application-form) and send an abstract to ecoforest2024@man.poznan.pl by 10 March 2024. The abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee and the 50 selected will be invited to present an oral presentation regarding the abstract topic.
The participants will have covered their accommodation costs (in a hotel located near our Institute), food, conference fee, and travel to the Stołowe Mountains National Park, where the field session will be held. It should be noted that travel costs to reach Poznań and then Kórnik are the responsibility of the participant, as are any additional nights apart from the dates 8-12 May.
Further details are available on the conference website: https://www.idpan.poznan.pl/index.php/konferencja-en.
If there are further questions I invite you to write to the conference email address: ecoforest2024@man.poznan.pl